Capstone Transforms Customer Care with AI

Discover how Capstone and AWS accelerated AI Call Insights, enhancing speed and accuracy.

AI Call Insights

ABOUT AI CALL INSIGHTS AI Call Insights ( is redefining call analytics for the future. Founder and President Mike Meyer has been a transformational leader his entire career. His agency branded and built Travelocity for their client Sabre. He and his partner Yousaf Eashai built Touchstone Communications, a leader in the call center industry. Based in Dallas, TX, using generative Ai tools, AI Call Insights built a powerful post-call analytics platform and then partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Capstone Solutions to develop an enterprise level, multi-tenant platform that showcases the best of AWS AI tools. AI Call Insights serves companies that rely on the telephone calls and centers for critical uses providing custom quality control with highly customized solutions. ABOUT AWS PARTNER CAPSTONE: Capstone Integrated Solutions is a comprehensive services provider. Our team consists of outstanding professionals, highly experienced in designing, building, and supporting retail software. We see ourselves as a build-as-a-service provider who follows a repeatable business pattern that can be applied to a variety of platforms and verticals. Having a culture built on outcomes and delivery at the core of the business, Capstone is providing its customers with a complete suite of services for software development, system analysis, integration, implementation, and support, as well as the option to engage a single team to perform all the services they require.


Overcoming the limitations of traditional call analytics

AI Call Insights provides quality assurance solutions for customer services organizations with the aim of helping them level up the performance of their agents. The company’s original approach depended on human call analysts who would perform post-call analysis for any organization that uses telephone conversations in their business.

The company faced a critical challenge: traditional human-driven call analytics were costly, time-consuming, and limited in scope. Human analysts, even with offshore rates, were expensive and could only process a limited percentage of calls due to the sheer volume and time constraints. Typically, these analysts listened to calls at accelerated speeds, created limited summaries, and flagged key issues, but this process was far from efficient. Due to cost constraints, many companies only audit a small fraction of their total call volume.  

The primary pain points included:

  • High costs: Human analysts cost around $10 per hour, and with 175 agents working, this expense was substantial.
  • No customization: Scorecards were generic and did not align with all KPIs for each campaign.
  • Limited coverage: Only 10-20% of calls were analyzed, potentially leaving a large number of issues undetected.
  • Delayed insights: Manual processing meant that insights could be delayed by 15 minutes to 24 hours, which was too slow for timely decision-making.
  • Inconsistent quality: Human error and subjectivity in analysis led to inconsistent results and missed opportunities.

To address these challenges, AI Call Insights aimed to develop an automated solution that could provide comprehensive, real-time analytics at a fraction of the cost and add highly valuable insights such as sentiment analysis and customized scorecards for each client and campaign.


From data ingestion to dashboards: Implementing a comprehensive AI analytics platform on AWS

To overcome these challenges, AI Call Insights partnered with Capstone Integrated Solutions and leveraged a suite of AWS products to build a sophisticated AI-driven, post-call analytics platform. The solution integrates various AWS technologies to deliver accurate, real-time insights from call data in real time.

Key AWS products utilized

  • Amazon Transcribe: This service automatically converts speech from audio files into text, providing a reliable and scalable solution for transcribing large volumes of call data.
  • Amazon Comprehend: Used for natural language processing, this service extracts insights such as sentiment and key phrases from the transcribed text, enabling deeper analysis of customer interactions.
  • Amazon Bedrock: For generating custom scorecards and summaries as well as performing advanced text analysis, this service uses state-of-the-art generative AI models.
  • Amazon QuickSight: This business intelligence service allows users to create interactive dashboards, providing managers with a clear and customizable view of call analytics.
  • AWS Lambda and Step Functions: These serverless computing services orchestrate the workflow, ensuring that all components of the analytics process are seamlessly integrated and scalable.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and DynamoDB: For data storage and management, these services ensure that large volumes of call data and analytics results are stored securely and can be accessed efficiently.

The implementation involved several key steps:

  • Data ingestion: Audio files from calls are uploaded to Amazon S3, where they are processed by Amazon Transcribe to generate text transcripts.
  • Text analysis: The transcribed text is analyzed by Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Bedrock to extract sentiment, key phrases, and generate summaries.
  • Scoring and customization: Customizable scorecards are generated based on client-specific criteria, using the insights derived from the text analysis.
  • Visualization: Results are visualized in Amazon QuickSight dashboards, providing managers with real-time insights and the ability to drill down into specific calls or trends.
  • Custom Scorecards: The AI Call Insights platform creates original, unique, and customized scorecards for each client and campaign—in minutes and without the need to code.

This integrated approach not only reduced costs but also significantly improved the coverage and speed of call analysis. By automating the process, AI Call Insights could analyze 100 percent of calls, providing immediate and actionable insights to clients. Additionally, the platform supports multi-tenants as a full SaaS solution, meaning each tenant’s data is segregated and secured.  


New and timely intelligence drastically improves customer service

The collaboration between AI Call Insights, Capstone Integrated Solutions, and AWS has resulted in a transformative solution for post-call analytics. The AI-driven platform addresses the critical challenges of high costs, limited coverage, and delayed insights inherent in traditional human-driven analysis.

Benefits realized

  • Cost savings: An automated solution that costs under $2 per hour, compared to $10 per hour (plus facility costs) for human analysts.
  • Comprehensive coverage: The ability to analyze 100 percent of calls ensures that no critical issues or opportunities are missed.
  • Real-time insights: Analysis is completed within minutes of a call’s conclusion, enabling prompt action on critical insights. Custom scorecards provide business-specific insights.
  • Scalability and customization: The platform can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries and clients, providing flexibility and scalability.

Future developments

Looking ahead, AI Call Insights plans to expand the platform to include live web chat and SMS text analysis. Future developments may also incorporate AI assist features during calls and even fully AI-driven customer interactions.

In conclusion, the use of AWS services has been pivotal in the success of AI Call Insights' post-call analytics platform. This case study exemplifies how leveraging cloud-based AI solutions can drive significant improvements in operational efficiency, cost savings, and customer satisfaction. The partnership with AWS and Capstone has positioned AI Call Insights as a leader in the field of AI-driven call analytics, ready to meet the evolving needs of modern businesses.

"Capstone's expertise was crucial in developing our AI analytics platform, enabling us to deliver superior insights efficiently."
Mike Meyer, President, AI Call Insights